World Shocked as Tesla’s Model Y Dominates Sales Charts! How Did They Do It?

Written by EVNN Staff

Elon Musk’s audacious prediction has finally taken shape. The Tesla Model Y, once just a vision in 2016, is now the world’s best-selling car, defying skeptics and surpassing all expectations.
Amidst the doubters who scoffed at his daring forecast, Musk’s unwavering belief in the Model Y’s potential has become a reality that captivates the globe.

As the world eagerly anticipates the next chapter in Tesla’s remarkable journey, a new update is on the horizon to ignite fresh momentum for the future. What thrilling enhancements will grace the updated Model Y? When will these amazing advancements hit the roads and completely transform the way we drive? Join us as we venture into the electrifying world of Tesla’s Model Y and unlock the secrets of its ever-evolving success.

Tesla has finally unveiled the highly anticipated update to the Model Y, leaving enthusiasts and tech enthusiasts buzzing with excitement. Multiple reliable sources have confirmed that Tesla has made the switch from the previous-generation Hardware 3.0 Suite to the cutting-edge Hardware 4 since the Model Y’s initial launch.

The new Model Y now boasts an enhanced Full Self-Driving (FSD) computer, which Tesla claims will enable the vehicle to achieve full self-driving capabilities in the future. Among the significant improvements, the most striking change lies in the upgraded cameras, jumping from 1.2 megapixels to an impressive 5 megapixels. With this notable enhancement, all eight cameras positioned around the car are poised to deliver superior performance.

In addition to these advancements, there have been speculations regarding Tesla reintroducing radar sensors through Hardware 4. We have witnessed the first deliveries of Hardware 4-equipped vehicles, initially featuring the upgrade on the Model S and Model X and now officially extending it to the Model Y.

While the differences between the existing and updated systems may not be fully realized at present, the true potential of Hardware 4 will likely come to the forefront with future upgrades and FSD updates. For now, the early indications suggest that Hardware 4 in the Model Y is living up to expectations, offering a host of exciting new features that promise to transform the driving experience.

Let’s explore some exciting new features available in the latest Model Y software update. One of the noteworthy additions is the integration of phone call controls with the steering wheel, providing drivers with seamless access to manage calls without taking their hands off the wheel. By using the left scroll wheel button, drivers can effortlessly answer, reject, mute, unmute, or hang up on calls. A quick press of the left button mutes the call, and pressing it again unmutes it.

To end a call, simply press the right scroll wheel once—a straightforward and convenient setup.
Another noteworthy enhancement is the new search function. Located below the menus, this function offers a user-friendly way to find specific options and settings. As you type, the search function displays relevant options and even suggests possible controls and settings. This feature streamlines the process of accessing information, making it easier and quicker to find what you’re looking for. Much like using popular search engines, such as Google or Bing, or your phone’s search feature, the Model Y’s search function ensures a smoother and more efficient navigation experience.

Furthermore, the latest software update introduces an exciting feature called “photos and reports.” This addition enables users to access visual information when selecting points of interest or supercharger locations. For instance, when you click on a restaurant, you can now view images of the menu and read reviews, akin to exploring details about supercharger locations. This enhancement provides users with richer and more detailed information, assisting them in making informed decisions while on the go.

Following that, we delve into the remarkable improvements in the automatic emergency braking system, now seamlessly integrated into this new Model Y variant. These upgrades bring about a significant enhancement, allowing the automatic emergency braking to function effectively even while driving in reverse. This means that the system can now intervene to prevent potential collisions with vehicles moving in a perpendicular path, like those running red lights at intersections. Additionally, the system’s capabilities have been expanded to support higher speeds, automatically engaging at velocities of up to 124 miles per hour or 200 kilometers per hour. This represents a notable increase from its previous maximum activation speed of 90 miles per hour.

Model Y Interior

Moving on, Tesla has introduced a practical innovation for rear-seat passengers. In this new Model Y, rear passengers can conveniently adjust the position of the passenger seat forward or backward when the car is parked, facilitating easier entry and exit. To access the passenger seat controls, simply tap the seat icon on the rear touchscreen and hold one of the arrows to move the passenger seat accordingly. It’s important to note that these controls are accessible only when the vehicle is stationary, ensuring safety and preventing any unintended adjustments while in motion.

In addition to these advancements, Tesla has taken the Model 3 to new heights with the introduction of the Track Pack. This exhilarating package comes equipped with track-ready tires, substantial carbon ceramic brakes, and forged aluminum wheels. Notably, the Track Pack unlocks a series of software upgrades tailored to unleash the vehicle’s full potential, allowing it to reach a thrilling top speed of up to 200 miles per hour.

Another remarkable feature in this latest update is Speed Assist, which harnesses the power of your car’s cameras to detect speed limit signs. This innovative technology enhances the accuracy of speed limit data on local roads, highways, and specific regions. As you drive, any detected speed limit signs will be displayed in the driving visualization, ensuring you stay informed and comply with the posted limits effortlessly.

And finally, we have Vision Park Assist, an impressive addition to the Model Y’s capabilities. This cutting-edge feature provides both visual and audible warnings about surrounding objects, enhancing safety during parking and maneuvering. Utilizing sophisticated occupancy aid networks, Vision Park Assist can predict the presence of objects in a 360-degree high-definition view around your car. This advanced system equips you with essential awareness, making parking and navigating tight spots an effortless and secure experience.

The latest data confirms Tesla’s continued dominance in the United States, where it holds the top-selling positions for both passenger cars and light trucks. In particular, the Tesla Model Y stands out as the state’s most popular vehicle, having sold an impressive 31,940 units during the first quarter, with the Model 3 following closely behind with 17,715 units sold.

The Model Y’s supremacy has expanded significantly, as evidenced by its commanding share of the light truck market last year, accounting for 7.6% and selling 87,257 units. This was 1.4 times more than the second-place RAV4, which only managed to sell 59,794 units.
Fast forward to the first quarter of 2023, and the Tesla Model Y’s dominance has surged even further, making up 10.3% of the popular Light Truck segment and selling an astounding 2.4 times as many units as the second-place RAV4, which only sold 13,326 units. Despite this remarkable achievement, Tesla still remains the second-best-selling brand overall, trailing behind Toyota, mainly due to Tesla’s limited presence in certain segments compared to Toyota’s diverse offerings.

It’s noteworthy that Toyota’s market share has experienced a slight decline, dropping from 17.3% in 2022 to 15.2% in the first quarter of 2023. On the other hand, Tesla’s market share has seen a modest increase, rising from 11.2% in 2022 to 11.8% in the same period this year. At this rate of growth, it’s plausible to envision Tesla surpassing Toyota as the top-selling company within the next year or two, signifying Tesla’s escalating prominence in the automotive industry.

In recent times, Tesla has demonstrated its dedication to scaling up production of the Model Y, with manufacturing efforts spanning multiple locations. Notably, the company has been focused on increasing production capacity at the Giga Texas factory, Giga Berlin in Germany, and the Fremont factory in Northern California, where the Model Y was initially produced.

At Tesla’s Giga Texas facility, significant progress has been made, achieving a weekly production rate of 5,000 Model Y units, resulting in an impressive production capacity of approximately 250,000 vehicles per year. This milestone represents a remarkable 20% increase in capacity over a short period, with the factory reaching a production rate of 3,000 Model Y units per week in December and then swiftly adding another thousand units by early April of the same year.
During the first quarter of the 2023 Shareholder Meeting, Tesla reported that Model Y production at Giga Texas was on track to exceed 250,000 units annually. Meanwhile, the Germany-based Electric Vehicle production facility had ambitious plans to reach a weekly output of 4,000 Model Y units, with projections indicating the potential to achieve a production rate of 5,000 units per week by the end of June 2023.

The Model Y has rapidly outpaced its sibling, the Model 3, to become Tesla’s most sought-after EV model, gaining widespread popularity around the world. Tesla is keen on fulfilling the overwhelming demand for the Model Y, and as a result, the company is continuously striving to boost production capacity. With the substantial floor space available at Giga Texas, Tesla envisions implementing a more refined manufacturing process to further increase production, aligning with its ambitious goals for the future.

Tesla’s commitment to enhancing production capabilities and meeting the needs of its ever-growing customer base highlights the company’s relentless pursuit of innovation and excellence in the automotive industry. As it continues to push boundaries and forge ahead, Tesla aims to realize these lofty aspirations in the near future.